Author Archives: sara

Upcoming Anderson Ranch Workshop, June 6-17, 2016

I’m teaching again at Anderson Ranch next summer, with my good friend, Sam Harvey. We each will bring our own expertise to hand building, and yes I will be teaching my paper clay method. As Sam says- its going to be SPICY!

Registration begins sometime in January…Click here:

anderson ranch photo

If you have not experienced The Anderson Ranch, do so- it will change your life!!! It has for me.

Supply list for Hawaii workshops

Supply list for Aha Hana lima workshops:

Our plan is to have people work in teams so if you’re flying not to worry on bringing the drill w/ glaze attachment, nor the 5 gallon buckets. Each team will need this so we can match you up with someone who has this…..

besides normal clay tools:
Scissors- sturdy
2-5 gallon buckets with lids
A 5 gallon bucket lid cut with a slit in it so that the clay does not slop out ( we can cut these the first day
Electric drill with  clay/glaze mixer bit on end (18” long) and extension cord (needs to be able to run for 30+ minutes or more so should be electric…)if not bring extra batteries.
A good colander that has small openings that will fit over 5 gallon buckets. (Glaze sieves work too).
2 pint size containers with lids
Rolling pin
Old paint brushes
Apron is a must
Your own towel/rag
1-2 squirt bottles with small openings- like ketchup/mustard or hair dying bottles

Also , bring in some cotton twine of sorts, and anything you might want to dip:
lace, pine cones, leaves, etc…(not too big)

Current show at Harvey Meadows Gallery in Aspen through March 9th




Upcoming Paperclay Workshops in Hawaii, March, 2015

Aha Hana Lima: “a gathering of crafts”

I will be giving two weekend workshops and lectures through the arts organization, Hawaii Craftsmen, a 48 year old non-profit organization of artists-members in Hawaii:

  • 1st on Oahu, Thursday,   March 19- Sunday, March 22nd
  • 2nd on Kauai, Thursday, March 26- Sunday, March 29th

These are open to the public, so if you need an excuse to come to Hawaii this spring to take a workshop, here’s your chance!

” Every spring we bring mainland artists to Hawaii for a series of  workshops in various media and always with two clay workshops, one on Oahu island and a second on a neighbor island (Kauai).   We call this program Aha Hana Lima, which in Hawaiian means “a gathering of crafts”.

Click here for previous years of  Aha Hana Lima  workshops

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